For a coherent analysis and interpretation of this biblical text, we need to use two of the main principles of hermeneutics and exegesis: the textual and sociocultural context.

When we analyze the textual context, we realize that verses 26 and 27 of Romans 1 have their specific content starting from verse 18: the wickedness of men and the supremacy of God in relation to Creation.  Idolatry is one of the central themes, which is evident from verses 23 to 25. Verse 26 begins with the expression “Because of this”, that is, what is explicit from that point on is the result of the human actions described  in previous verses.

Roman society stood out for its great pantheon, which made it one of the most idolatrous peoples of the time. Paul, in the text in question, makes an analysis of the negative consequences resulting from this abominable practice before God. One of the practices related to idolatrous cults was cultural prostitution. There, heterosexual men were involved in homosexual rituals, which justifies the expression: “they left their natural relationship with the woman”. In other words, heterosexual men, they exchanged a sexual behavior that was natural to them for a behavior contrary to their nature, that is, a homosexual practice.

As for female homosexuality, Paulo's text is not definitive in affirming it, and there are even those who believe that Paul mentioned anal sex. This interpretation lasted throughout the Middle Ages. Everything indicates, however, that Paulo is making an allusion to two ceremonies: that of Bona Dea, the good goddess and the bacchanals: In the ceremonies of the good goddess, restricted to women, it was common to practice copulation with animals. In bacchanals, incest was part of the initiation rites.

The text mentions relationships contrary to nature practiced in a very specific context: the worship of idols. There is no mention of the homo-affective and monogamous relationships in today's society.

The text speaks of men and women who practiced specific sexual perversions, something explicitly contrary to their nature, that is, women having sex with animals or people of the same family as well as heterosexual men practicing homogenital acts with each other. Male homosexuals never “left their natural relationship with women” (v.27), simply because it was never natural for them, so it is a mistake to use Romans 1:26 and 27 to condemn homosexuals, whether men or women.

In the text, Paul criticizes the promiscuity of Roman society that ended up causing even men to leave their natural use to ignite themselves with other men. Therefore, it is not a question of homosexuals, but of heterosexuals who, because of all the corruption and hedonism of Roman culture, resolve themselves to plunge into sin.

It is important to note that here Paul does not refer to gays by birth, nor to gays who became so through trauma, but those who, being straight, consciously chose to live these homosexual experiences as well. I say this, because it is impossible that if someone was born gay, they are already given to such desires without even saying whether or not to glorify God.

In verse 21, we find: “they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him” and immediately after verses 23-25 ​​we realize that the text refers to the sin of idolatry. In verses 26-27, we see the abandonment of his natural desire, from his natural pleasure to a life of dehumanized sexual practice.

Once again, the text deals with sexual intercourse that is not the result of a gesture of love, of complementing life, of affection, of unity, but “against” nature.  Ask a homosexual what is natural for him?  Is it loving a person of the same sex? Do you complement each other in love like yourself or with someone of a different gender? The natural thing for a homosexual is to relate to someone of the same sex.

In the next study I will talk about the books: CORINTHIANS AND TIMOTHY.

The Peace of Christ.


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